I can't find a photo of me. Do you have any more?
I have a few more but they are of low quality. In particular, the light for the M1 division was pretty poor. For lower division crews I tried to take pictures that would flatter the crew concerned, but sometimes this wasn't really possible... If you can't find a photo of a particular crew then feel free to get in touch to see if I have anything you might be interested in. Have a look through photos on the other pages too (especially 'Multiple clubs') to see if you're in the background anywhere.
What is 'Multiple clubs'?
I have a few photos of crews racing or getting through marshalling where the crews involved were from more than one club. Have a look through those too to see if you find yourself in any of them. If you're lucky I might have a picture of you bumping up!
Do you have any photos of college Bumps?
I have some photos of Mays, but not many. If you're interested, get in touch with your college/crew/division and I'll see if I have any.
Can I share these photos?
Yes. You don't have to donate to share the photos, but I'd appreciate it if you did!
Why are the photos organised by club and not division?
Because organising by club was much easier for me, and because you should want to look at the photos of other people in your club in the spirit of general club fraternity. I would probably have made mistakes with divisions - it's quite a headache sorting out all the various City, Cantabs, 99s and Champs crews...
Why have you put my crew in the xyz list when we clearly row for abc?
Because nobody's perfect and with so much equipment sharing it can be hard to keep track! Rest assured it was not deliberate.
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